Armin Vit
How far will you go to stand out?
In Episode #82, Ross is joined by Armin Vit, co-founder of UnderConsideration.
Born and raised in Mexico City, Armin Vit is a graphic designer and writer now living in Bloomington, IN. He is co-founder of UnderConsideration, a graphic design firm generating its own projects, initiatives, and content. He’s also the editor and primary writer of the popular blog Brand New.
Ross and Armin discuss the boldness it takes to impress a discerning audience, the best reasons to rebrand and how giving your brand motion can help you stand out.
We're leaving on the table between fifty and seventy five thousand dollars a year on sponsorship and we're willing to give up on that in order to have more control and be fully independent. That's the number one thing we value in everything that we do, our independence. We don't answer to anyone. - Armin
The leadership at Airbnb was like, “No, we've gone through this process with a design studio, we arrived at a solution that we're confident in, we're just going to ride that out. To me, that is a great sign of a rebrand where there's conviction. - Armin
Because it's a conference for designers, we can take a lot more risks. We can be wild, we can be crazy and we know that it's only for one year, as opposed to having to build an identity that will last for five, ten years, which requires a different kind of thinking. We're just like, “how can we impress designers?”. - Armin
Everybody's competing in this at the same scale, with the same entry point. It's just free to go on instagram and put a video. The platform for presenting your brand has been equalised, for anyone, whether it's Coca Cola or a local coffee shop. They all have the same tools to connect with an audience, being social media. - Armin
“What can we do to be different?". Leaning into those things that other people won't do often is a difference and there's a direct value there of standing out and being different. There are hundreds of design conferences and if you take a step out of design, there's hundreds of conferences. How do people visually know that this thing's different or at least stop and pay attention for a moment? - Ross
We said, “Print is dead.” but I believe that people that are printing at the moment are standing out even more than the people who are not because everything's digital. It's now actually easier to do print because the quality standards are much lower because no one's doing it. - Ross
More about Armin Vit
Born and raised in Mexico City, Armin Vit is a graphic designer and writer now living in Bloomington, IN. He is co-founder of UnderConsideration, a graphic design firm generating its own projects, initiatives, and content. He’s also the editor and primary writer of the popular blog Brand New.
Along with his wife and business partner, Bryony Gomez-Palacio, he is the co-organizer and co-host of the Brand New Conference (established in 2010) as well as of First Round (established in 2018) and In-house In-focus In-person (launching in 2025). Cumulatively they have curated a selection of more than 450 individual speakers and hosted more than 12,000 attendees since 2010.
Find Armin Vit here:
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One More Question is a podcast dedicated to sharing our best conversations with significant brand builders, experts, and communicators— people who go about their work of making people care by creating impactful brands.
In this podcast, we explore the idea of brand building by speaking to founders who have built multi-billion dollar brands and experts who think deeply about how to get people to connect with their products, services, or companies. If you’re looking for insight into the best ways to invest in and build your brand or company, this may well be the podcast for you.