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Ideate >> Test >> Business Case


Do you want to take your business into Web3?

Maybe you’re experimenting with NFTs or Blockchain?

You have a few ideas but how do you know which one is the right one?

Let’s take you from ideas to a tested business case in just 2-weeks


From increasing brand awareness to experimenting with new models of ownership and community – well-known companies are testing in Web3 👉

Find out about the opportunities that await and how you can cut through the hype.

How does it work?

1. Idea generation workshop

Your team is presented with the most current and proven Web3 use cases. After which Nicework and your team generate as many ideas as possible, and move forward wth the most promising.

2. Iterative testing

This is where we add rigour to your ideas, addressing funding models, audience personas, and partner strategy and then taking them into testing.

3. Lite paper

Once your strongest idea has been tested and refined, we write your Lite Paper – presenting the problem and your solution to the market.

Interested >>>

Don’t build the wrong product


The best way to earn asymmetric gains for your brand is to get into Web3 early. But working on the wrong product will slow you down.

Ideate, test, and prove a business case so that you’re on the right path from the start.


Ideas only become valuable when they meet strong execution

Go from ideas to Lite Paper in 2-weeks


Hear from people who’ve launched with us >>>

“I just felt that one of the most powerful aspects of it was people. [Nicework] came into our business, with a very open mind and a neutral position and asked questions that sometimes we didn't even want to answer ourselves”

— Joss Du Trevou, Co-owner + director, EcoMotel

“This is the greatest learning opportunity of our lifetime”

— Yossi Hasson, Founder, Metaversal

Menches Bros.

Ohio-based Menches Brothers is a family-owned business. Their story began over 130 years ago, in 1885, when Frank and Charles Menches invented the hamburger.

Dani, their Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) realised an opportunity for the Menches Brothers to share their story with the rest of the world. NFTs (non-fungible tokens) would give the wider online community access to their hamburger and at the same time, propel them forward into Web3.

In partnership with Metaversal, we set out to build a brand strategy intersecting Web3, their history, and authentic community.

The result is a fresh brand identity and collection of lil Mench PFP NFTs. Together, they propel Menches Brothers forward into Web3 and the Metaverse – all while conserving their sense of community and story. 


Metaversal is an innovative funding company that curates the growing world of the Metaverse by investing in NFTs (Non-fungible Tokens). They connect their capital to creators to co-produce and co-create iconic NFTs and grow the technology behind them.

Launching a business into a space buzzing with start-ups, with each day bringing something new is no small feat. In a landscape of dystopian images and bright colours, we needed to create a brand that would not only stand out, but fit in. We needed to project that this brand was here to stay.

We created a brand identity and launch campaign for Metaversal that has since netted them a great deal of attention online. Their social following grew significantly and our launch video even got a retweet from Ja Rule (Mr Fyre Festival himself). Metaversal’s Instagram account generated 790000 impressions for the duration of its launch campaign period and the Twitter account generated over 111 000 impressions.

Start your journey into Web3