Inspiring young South African voters to take charge of their country’s future.
Your Vote Counts is a campaign that aims to inspire five million South Africans, who’ve never voted, to register and vote in the 2024 national elections – particularly those aged between 18 and 35 since they comprise the largest demographic of eligible but inactive voters in the country. The campaign required a fresh, alluring brand to resonate with and inspire young voters and compelling messaging to educate, encourage, and build momentum leading up to the election.
The incentive should be your action, your power
- Lucia Petschnig
Elections are a time where people take responsibility for what they hold dear
- Boshoff Grobler
Through research and interviews with key stakeholders, we realised that despite South Africa’s immense beauty and potential, the harsh realities that many of its people face every day have left them feeling unseen, unheard, and underserved. It became clear that we needed to remind our audience why they should be proud of their country and instil a sense of responsibility and ownership for its political discourse and future. We needed to speak to them directly to show them that their vote isn’t just a number; that it can genuinely drive positive change and is a way for them to make sure their voice gets heard. This led us to our positioning: Your country. Your vote.
Leveraging this strategy and message, we developed a youthful, positive brand identity with a local flair. This included a custom wordmark inspired by ballot boxes – the ‘x’ represents a single vote and its power.
The colour palette needed to be distinct from all running political parties since Your Vote Counts doesn’t advocate for any one party but focuses exclusively on getting people to vote. We drew inspiration from the South African flag but gave the palette an earthy feel to modernise and refresh it whilst still capturing the notion of the ‘rainbow nation’. All in all, the brand is made to feel hand-made and natural, which makes it relatable and gives it an edge against the colder tones of official government branding.
We rolled this new brand and messaging out in a pitch deck and simple website. Both of these were used to garner support, direct people to register to vote, and raise funds. Lastly, we created social media templates and initial launch content using the messaging framework we developed to test key messaging and visuals.
By providing Your Vote Counts with a clear messaging framework and a vibrant new brand, we helped them develop a consistent presence, convey the importance of voting, and instil a sense of pride and responsibility among South Africans, ultimately inspiring an unengaged youth to register and vote.
Creative Director – Shannon Davis
Lead strategist – Jason Tuohy
Strategist – Zakiah Courtney
Lead designer – William Rech
Designer – Robyn Salvador
Designer – Liam McAlpine
Project Management – Robyn Miguel