Online course

Tell your compelling Brand Story

Your Brand Story is the most underutilised tool in your communications toolkit. Whether you’re looking for a way to introduce, connect, or sell — your Brand Story is all that you need.

Interested? Sign up for more information below

People don’t connect to facts, we connect to stories. They leave us with a sense of wonder, something to hold onto and to remember. If you want to fade into the background and become just another company, then facts are what you need. If you want to connect with an audience and become their first choice, you’ll need a story

Tell your compelling Brand Story

What you’ll learn

Stop underestimating one of the most powerful tools in building your brand.

  • Understand why humans connect to stories

  • Understand the structure of a great brand story (with examples)

  • A better understanding of how to assess and brief writers

  • Learn how to make your customer the hero of your story

  • Creating compelling calls-to-action

  • Using your brand story to build trust

  • Building your brand story from your Purpose

  • Using your brand story to help you sell

  • All the tools you need to run the process yourself

Who will benefit from this course?



Leaders of companies

Heads of marketing and communications departments


Interested in sending your team on the course? Contact us for a group discount


Why should you care?

We’re stuck chasing quarterly growth and sales charts over building a connection and meaning — we call it metrics over matter. We assume that people understand how our companies can change their lives, and we spend way too much money throwing facts and deals at them in an effort to drive sales.

The problem with the metrics over matter mindset is that when society’s attention shifts (which it does, rapidly), we jump onto the next big thing in an attempt to drive sales — we trade long-term loyalty for a few percentage points and end up losing customers as the wind changes.

If we want to build companies that are going to be around for 100 years or more, we need to think long term — we need to engage with an audience that will stick with us, no matter which way the wind blows. To build that audience, we need to connect — and the best way to do this is through stories.


Humans connect to stories because they make us feel something — they’re emotive, they engage our imaginations, and they give us a chance to find common ground. Once we’ve connected with a story, it’s impossible to forget it, and if we do, the smallest trigger brings memories rushing back to us — memories accompanied by feelings and emotions that we have woven into the fabric of our imaginations.

So why are Brand Stories underutilised? Because they’re limited to living on a website, or in a company profile when they should be an integral part of our communication framework.

When you know how to use a great Brand Story correctly, it can get you into pitches and sales meetings, it can help you connect with and build an audience, and it can help you build loyalty and become part of someone else’s story — making you unforgettable for the next 100 years.

Online course / Tell your compelling Brand Story

“People don’t buy the best product. They buy the best story”

Harry Dry

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What you get

  • A workbook for you to capture your thoughts

  • A PowerPoint presentation that allows you to easily share 
your message with your team

  • A facilitator’s guide that provides easy to follow steps

  • Step-by-step instructions to guide you through the process of building your Brand Story

  • A template to help you brief writers

“(Nicework) have gone above and beyond what is required by coming up with the most incredible concepts and designs that have truly enhanced our brand”

Julian Short, Sin+Tax

Online course / Make Them Care

3 Courses. 1 Package. Everything you need to grow your company and brand